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Copyright Infringement Battle Looms as Record Labels Take on AI Song-Generators

AI copyright infringement

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On June 24, 2024, the music industry witnessed a dramatic clash between tradition and technology. 

Major record labels Sony Music, Universal Music Group, and Warner Records filed lawsuits against AI companies Suno and Udio, accusing them of massive copyright infringement. 

The heart of the matter? 

The AI companies allegedly used the labels’ recordings without permission to train their music-generating systems.

Background of the Lawsuit

The lawsuits, filed in federal courts in New York (against Udio) and Massachusetts (against Suno), claim that these AI systems were trained using copyrighted music. 

The record labels argue that these AI-generated outputs could “directly compete with, cheapen, and ultimately drown out” human artists’ work. 

The stakes are high, and the implications far-reaching.

Key Arguments from Both Sides

Record Labels’ Perspective

The record labels argue that Suno and Udio’s actions constitute blatant copyright infringement. They claim that users of these AI systems have been able to recreate recognizable elements of iconic songs.

Additionally, the complaints highlight that the AI systems can generate vocals almost indistinguishable from legendary artists like Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, and ABBA. 

This, they believe, poses a significant threat to the value and originality of human-created music.

AI Companies’ Defense

On the other hand, Suno CEO Mikey Shulman defended the technology, stating, “Our technology is transformative; it is designed to generate completely new outputs, not to memorize and regurgitate pre-existing content.” 

This argument hinges on the idea that AI-generated music is a new form of creation, distinct from its training data.

Potential Implications for the Music Industry and AI Technology

This lawsuit is more than just a legal battle—it’s a pivotal moment for both the music and tech industries. 

If the courts side with the record labels, the decision could set a precedent that restricts how AI companies can use copyrighted material. 

This could, in turn, stifle innovation within AI technology.

Conversely, if the AI companies successfully defend their fair use claims, it could lead to a paradigm shift where the value of copyrighted works diminishes, potentially impacting artists’ livelihoods.

The fair use defense has become the go-to strategy for AI firms facing copyright allegations. 

If the courts agree with this defense, copyrighted works might lose their intrinsic value for their creators. 

This outcome could reshape the landscape of intellectual property rights, pushing creators and businesses to rethink how they protect and monetize their work.


This lawsuit brings to light the delicate balance between innovation and intellectual property rights. 

It challenges us to consider how we can harness the power of AI while respecting and protecting creative works. 

The outcome of these cases could have profound implications for the future of both the music industry and AI technology.

Are you curious about how AI can transform your business while navigating the complexities of intellectual property? 

Join the conversation by scheduling a chat with us at or our contact page

Together, we can explore the opportunities and challenges of this exciting frontier.

#copyright #copyrightinfringement #artificialintelligence #fairuse

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Sagacity Legal is a Florida-based firm that works with service-based small business owners, who want to minimize their legal risk so they can focus on achieving their full potential.

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