As an inventor, you know that your ideas are valuable. You also know that in order to maintain a competitive edge, you need to keep those ideas secret until they’re ready to be patented. But how can you do that? In this blog post, we will discuss some steps that you can take to ensure your ideas stay under wraps until you’re ready to reveal them to the world.
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First and foremost, it is important to keep your ideas to yourself. If you share your idea with too many people, it could get out before you’re ready to patent it. In order to avoid this, only share your idea with a select few people who you trust implicitly.
Secondly, always use non disclosure agreements (NDAs) when working with others, whether they’re potential investors, manufacturers, or even just consultants. This will help to protect your idea in the event that it is leaked.
Finally, consider filing a provisional patent application. This will give you a year to work on your invention without revealing your trade secret to the world.
Episode 2 of my video series “How An Ordinary Inventor Can Turn Into A Millionaire (The Hero’s Journey)” (which is available ONLY on YouTube) is all about how to keep your invention a secret.
As our story continues, Mateo and Jennifer learn about the importance of trade secrets and take steps to ensure their invention remains confidential.
Watch this episode to find out how you can protect your invention from being stolen. You’ll learn the steps to take to keep your invention a trade secret.
With these steps, you can focus on developing your product without worry.
Click “Watch on YouTube” and watch this important video now!
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established business, I can help you turn your ideas into profits. And not only that, but I can also help keep others from stealing your ideas and profiting from them.
If you’re feeling like your intellectual property isn’t fully protected, I encourage you to schedule a free consultation with me. We can brainstorm about your specific situation and make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and your business; so that you can turn YOUR ideas into huge profits.
To get a spot on my calendar, please visit our contact page.
Did you miss episode 1? Check out my first blog post in the series here.
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