The United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) considers the Coronavirus outbreak an “extraordinary situation.” As a result, the USPTO modified both patent and trademark regulations. “The USPTO stands shoulder-to-shoulder with inventors and entrepreneurs and is working on a variety of measures to incentivize, protect, and disseminate COVID-19 related innovation.” Andrei Iancu Kudos to the […]
A few weeks ago, I published a post about Artificial Intelligence Patent Inventors. This article reported that three patent offices declined patent inventorship to an AI inventor. Recently, a client asked me whether a corporation can be a patent inventor. Great question. Just like AI, corporations cannot be patent inventors. Patent Inventors A patent inventor […]
Failure: Here’s my story. I am totally beat up today. I mean that physically, not emotionally. Bruises, swelling, aches and pains all over. Let me start from the beginning…I promise it’s nothing sketchy. Randi’s Epic “Failure” It happened yesterday evening. “What’s that pitter patter, mom?” asked my teenage daughter. Slowly we followed the sound to […]
On April 27, 2020 the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) published a decision in which it declined to extend patent inventorship to an Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) named DABUS. The decision in general found that the application did not name an “inventor.” Who is DABUS? DABUS stands for “Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of […]
Everywhere we look we hear of the devastating impact of COVID-19 on health, businesses, social lives, and personal grooming. On the other side of this devastation is a significant increase in creativity and innovation designed to fight COVID-19. A glimmer of hope in an otherwise stormy landscape. As reported by the Word Economic Forum: “From […]
COVID-19 and Coronavirus Trademarks “gone viral” Not so long ago, COVID-19 and Coronavirus were not in my vocabulary. How about you? That was then. This is now. In actual fact, the terms COVID-19 and Coronavirus are now everywhere. Generally speaking, these terms are part of the news, social media, and every conversation. Further, trademark applications […]
THE CORONAVIRUS AND SMALL BUSINESS LAW SERIES This blog post series provides key legal practices to help secure your business success during the Coronavirus pandemic. As a result of this knowledge, then you can return to what you do best which is providing your service or product. Today’s topic: Protecting Children’s Privacy in Online Learning […]
THE CORONAVIRUS AND SMALL BUSINESS LAW SERIES This blog post series provides key legal tips to help you secure your business success during the Coronavirus pandemic. With this knowledge, you can return to what you do best – your service or product. Today’s topic: Pivoting from Brick & Mortar to an Online Business during the […]
THE CORONAVIRUS AND SMALL BUSINESS LAW SERIES This blog post series provides key legal information so you can secure your business success during the Coronavirus pandemic. With this knowledge, you can return to what you do best which is providing your service or product. Today’s topic: The Emergence of Patent Heroes during the Coronavirus Pandemic […]
THE CORONAVIRUS AND SMALL BUSINESS LAW SERIES This blog post series provides key legal strategies, practices, and policies to help you secure your business success during the Coronavirus pandemic. With this knowledge, you can return to what you do best – your service or product. In the first of this series, I discussed key intellectual […]
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