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Critical Alert for Business Owners. Watch Out for Trademark Scammers!

trademark scammers

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It’s important for you to know, trademark scammers are on the rise. They are doing everything from:

  • Phoning trademark applicants with fake USPTO caller IDs, impersonating real USPTO employees and requesting personal and credit card information.
  • Sending fake physical invoices to trademark applicants’ home addresses requesting payment.
  • Sending emails to business owners soliciting to file trademark applications urgently to avoid fake “trademark infringement”.

Please be aware, the USPTO will never contact you directly if you are represented by an attorney.  

If you are our client, Sagacity Legal is registered in all patent and trademark applications as the attorney of record and all correspondence to and from the USPTO will be sent directly to us as your attorney.  We will then report the same to you.  

If you receive a telephone call, email, or letter in the mail relating to your trademark of any kind,  hang up, delete, throw away, and let us know.

Trademark Scammers Signs to watch out for

  • USPTO employees will NEVER ask you for your personal or payment information over the phone, in an email, or text.
  • We don’t require payment via check or money order to third-party addresses.
  • There is often a demand for immediate action or payment that’s not due. This is usually accompanied by a threat of losing your trademark rights if you don’t pay.
  • USPTO website addresses end in .gov, and emails directly from the USPTO end in
  • USPTO stands for “The United States Patent and Trademark Office.” Any variation is not part of the USPTO, such as “Patent and Trademark Bureau” or “Trademark Renewal Service.”

Should you have any questions or are not sure of calls, physical mail or emails you have received from the USPTO or other parties, please contact our office or book time to chat at

Wishing you secure success!

About Sagacity Legal:
Sagacity Legal is a Florida-based firm that works with service-based small business owners, who want to minimize their legal risk so they can focus on achieving their full potential.

This article and all content herein is solely intended for general information purposes and should not be construed as legal advice in any manner. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing, or communication via email or other means does not establish an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is only formed when a written engagement agreement is executed. We disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this website to the fullest extent permitted by law. Do not act or refrain from acting upon this information without seeking professional legal counsel.

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