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Don’t Miss the Starting Line When Protecting Your Phenomenal Inventions

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The Clock Is Ticking on Protecting Your Inventions…

You’re running out of time to protect your inventions and we both know it.

You’ve developed a unique, amazing product or process.

Uniquely, no-one else does it better.

Everyone tells you how phenomenal it is; however, in spite of this, it’s not protected.

In the long run, you’ve been dragging your feet.

In fact, You Know You Should Do Something…

In the same way that those people you see on Shark Tank, who say they patented their invention.

In spite of this, you just don’t know what that means.

You Tell Yourself : “My Inventions Can’t Be Patentable”

Although this may be true, on the other hand maybe they are.

Because patentable invention resides at the intersection of useful, new, and non-obvious.


Ask Yourself these questions:

🙋 First, is your invention new?

🙋 Second, is your invention novel?

🙋 Third, is your invention not obvious?

If you answered yes, then your invention may be patentable❗

Should All New Inventions Be Patented?

It’s important to realize that deciding which inventions to patent relies on business factors as much as legal factors. As a matter of fact, consider the following infographic to decide.

Lack of Protection for Your Inventions can put you at risk of losing everything they’ve worked so hard to create.

Protecting your inventions is so important to your business success.


Because when you give away your inventions, you give away your uniqueness, your distinctiveness, your competitiveness.

Notably, Protecting your inventions:

✅  Increases your business valuation;

✅  provides you freedom to operate;

✅  gives you a competitive advantage by establishing leadership and blocking competition; and

✅  can provide revenue streams through commercialization and licensing.

But Still You Delay…

A patent sounds expensive.

Patenting an invention sounds confusing.

That little voice in your head (is it my voice?) tells you it’s a mistake.

Waiting Leads to Totally Missing the Opportunity

Trust me I know.

⚠️In the U.S., from the moment you tell or show anyone your invention, you only have one year to file a patent application.

⚠️PLUS: If someone files their patent application first, for a same or similar invention, they win and you lose.

The first thing to remember: It’s a Race to the Patent Office!

But don’t fret.

There’s hope for you.

You still have time.

Your worries are over.

Just as I have helped many other entrepreneurs, accordingly I can guide you through the patent protection process.

Let’s get that patent application started now.


Henceforth, your future self will be glad you did.

Want to know if your invention may be patentable? Then, contact me here.

“Inventions cannot be judged on patent parameters, but patents have the ability to take inventions very far”

― Kalyan C. Kankanala, Fun IP, Fundamentals of Intellectual Property

About Sagacity Legal:
Sagacity Legal is a Florida-based firm that works with service-based small business owners, who want to minimize their legal risk so they can focus on achieving their full potential.

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  1. This Blog is very Informative.Thanks for Sharing.

    • Randi Karpinia says:

      I’m glad you find my blog informative. It is my mission to help inventors, entrepreneurs and small business owners “protect their uniqueness” through patent, trademark, and copyright registrations.

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