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Hi, I'm RANDI.

I'm an ip ATTORNEY

I help my clients secure their business success by providing easy to understand legal guidance in a supportive environment, so they can focus on achieving their full potential.  


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Social Media Disasters As an entrepreneur with a growing business, I rely on social media as a venue for potential clients to know, like, and trust me. My social media content allows people who need my expertise and services to find me. I’ve been posting legal tips, thoughts, and motivations for small business owners consistently […]

All my life I’ve been told to “dress for success.”  Inevitably that meant dressing with a sense of style and professionalism:  impeccable hair, nails, shoes, and of course, let’s not forget the professional dress or pantsuit.    I do agree that your image and appearance makes an impression on others.  That’s basically proven. However, lately I’ve […]

The new technology of today has changed the way we communicate, the way we operate, the way we do business.  Successful businesses today look and feel very different than our parent’s generation. Think about how the rapid changes in technology have changed the way we run our business.   The New Generation Generation Z customers and […]

“If you have butterflies in your stomach, ask them into your heart.”    Cooper Edens     I’m afraid of needles.  Yes, like many of us, injections are not my favorite form of medical care.  As far back as I can remember, when I needed a shot of any kind, I’d scrunch my face, turn my head, […]

Twitter Username: @randikarpinia Account Owner Name: Chamberlin Okula Location: Russia Actual Fact – this happened to me.   You’ve probably heard of  impostors claiming to be celebrities, brands or company big-shots on social media platforms.  I learned the hard way that even us “relatively unknowns” can lose our social media identity to imposters.   I discovered […]

“You’ve damaged the tendons in your right foot.”  Ouch – those words from the podiatrist surely confused me.  “For the next 10 to 12 weeks, you should avoid any activities (including driving) that may aggravate the injury until the pain has gone. We’ll immobilize the foot and ankle from moving using a boot.”  My first […]

When I was growing up, the Encyclopedia was my “go-to” place for information.  Our family home always had the latest edition. If not in the encyclopedia, the local public library was my next stop.  I would read an article or book passage, take notes, write what I’d learned in my own words and voila my […]

What does Copyright Protect? Copyright law provides protection for original works of authorship. Above all, it gives the owner exclusive rights in the work created including to: reproduce copies, distribute copies, create derivative works, and authorize others to do so.  When does Copyright Protection Start? Unlike many other intellectual property laws, copyright protection starts upon […]

Registering the trademark for your business name is a low-priced, high value action to secure your success. So what is a trademark and why do I need one? What is a Trademark A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies the source of goods. A service mark is the same as a […]

In Florida, there are a number of different business structures that each, on its own merits, may provide you the legal protection, tax advantages, and other benefits most appropriate to you

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