The Legal Blog

Hi, I'm RANDI.

I'm an ip ATTORNEY

I help my clients secure their business success by providing easy to understand legal guidance in a supportive environment, so they can focus on achieving their full potential.  


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The Coronavirus and Small Business Law Series This blog post series provides key legal strategies, practices, and policies to help you secure your business success during the Coronavirus pandemic. With this knowledge, you can return to what you do best – your service or product. In the first of this series, I discussed key intellectual […]

Introducing The Coronavirus and Small Business Law Series. This first blog post discusses Intellectual Property Law You are confident and committed and destined to “Wow the World” with your business! You are working day and night to create something amazing. That something amazing includes Intellectual Property. Then the Coronavirus comes to town. Suddenly the unknown vulnerability […]

In Part 1 of What if My Client Doesn’t Pay, I talked about the protections you can put in place with a client contract to strengthen your Emotional Fortitude with your client relationship. However, having a signed contract does not guarantee the client will pay.  We are under the impression that we have control over […]

In this fast paced, technology-based economy, transactions with clients are often made with a verbal agreement, handshake, or even text message.   I call the beginning of such a relationship “the honeymoon phase.” For service-based businesses, you are selling knowledge and experience borne out of many years working in your field.  The value you provide […]

“Today is a gift, yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a promise”  – Patrick Chery My Personal Growth Role Model My mom recently celebrated her 83rd birthday.  More importantly, she literally just sold her business and talks about retiring later this year.  She tells me she’s old and tired. Specifically, she tells me her […]

MY 20/20 CLARITY STORY I wear glasses. Without my glasses the world is a blurry place. My progressive glasses transformed my life. They allow me to see clearly both near and far; providing me a feeling of security, safety, and awareness in everything I do. I wasn’t always an eyeglass – wearer. In fact, there […]

Trademark Alert A newly enacted USPTO rule in effect February 15, 2020 makes electronic communication mandatory in all trademark matters.   The Trademark Communication Rule at a Glance 🔷 All communication with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in Trademark matters must be electronic. 🔷 All trademark applications and documents must be filed using […]

The Original Gold Rush A few months ago, while cleaning out some old boxes, I came upon some old stock certificates for a gold mining company.  For just a moment, I thought “wow, I might be rich.” It’s kind of like when you buy that lottery ticket but the numbers haven’t yet been drawn.  A […]

Every morning I peruse the news on my phone while enjoying my first cup of coffee. Today, this caught my eye: LinkedIn Reaches 675 Million Members, Continues to See ‘Record Levels of Engagement’ The article, published on January 31, 2020 by Social Media Today, summarized the findings of Microsoft’s FY20 Q2 Report including the fact […]

Your business identity includes your company name, product name, tagline, and/or logo.  In addition, your business identity is personal, emotional, AND valuable. Registering the trademark for each business identity is a low-priced, high value action to secure your success. Furthermore, claiming your common law trademark rights using a trademark symbols is a no-cost first step. […]

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**** This firm is registered to practice in the State of Florida and before the USPTO.
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